The Perfect Wedding Kiss

THE KISS   5 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR CEREMONY KISS – you will be surprised!   I have witnessed hundreds of couples first kisses! They have varied hugely from a full-on snog to a turned cheek! Equally embarrassing for all! A couples’ first...
Bridegroom or Grooom

Bridegroom or Grooom

Are you a Groom or a Bridegroom Let’s make it clear!   The dictionary definition of a groom is:- TO GROOM – to brush and clean the coat of a horse… A GROOM -a person employed to take care of a horse   The dictionary definition of a...


5 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MARBELLA-as a wedding destination. Why celebrate in Marbella?Whether you are dreaming of a gala wedding reception, an intimate family affair, or a secluded honeymoon escape, you will find somewhere to suit your requirements in this...