Celebrant Training


The next online workshops are in 2024 tbd

All things Handfasting, Festival Ceremonies and Ceremony Rituals

A NEW ONLINE EVERGREEN course about HANDFASTING and HANDTYING is under development.

My aim is to make this Masterclass of Handfasting and Handtying available, to all celebrants. This on-line Masterclass is for all levels of experience, from novice to experienced celebrants. The course is mainly focused towards Wedding Celebrants.

Funeral Celebrants are welcome and will benefit equally, from everything presented. So, if you desire to add further ritual ideas to services and memorials and learn how to make celebrations of life completely unique, this masterclass is also for you.

The course is full of practical tips, skills, and ideas. 

Entitled “A Masterclass in Handfasting and Handtying” – This will no longer be a two-week course presented via ZOOM. It will become an evergreen course to include recordings of practical DEMONSTRATIONS. Introductions will be made via a LIVE ZOOM link at the start of the Masterclasses.

Celebrants will be able to access the course in their own time and proceed at their own pace, supported by a FACEBOOK GROUP.

Full details to follow.

Below is the content of the original 2-zoom Masterclasses. The NEW MASTERCLASSES will closly follow the same content.


Masterclass 1. Handfasting Foundations – All about “Ribbons, Cords and Braids”  

Focusing on the foundations, this is where your Handfasting journey begins. The Masterclass will show you practical ways of including and conducting a Handfasting (handtying) in a regular ceremony and will equip you to confidently give advice to couples and carry out the ritual.


Foundations of Handfasting – Brief history.

  • What to use – purchased or homemade
  • Understanding of colours and textures
  • Preparation and care of ribbons, braids and cords
  • Significance of colours
  • Positions of couple and celebrant
  • Understanding the numbers of cords used and why
  • Making a simple finger plaited cord
  • Demonstrations of making a simple plaited cords and ribbons
  • Demonstrations with models
  • More…


    Masterclass 1 Part 2.  Handfasting Foundations All about making and ‘Tying of the Knot’ 

    Building on the foundations from Masterclass one, more advanced Handfasting (handtying) techniques will be shown and demonstrated. This Masterclass workshop offers more detailed information about the various types of Handfasting techniques.


    • Learning more advanced plaiting techniques
    • Where to place a Handfasting (handtying) within the ceremony
    • Celebrant led Handfastings
    • Methods of making/forming the Handfasting (handtying)
    • The Infinity and Celtic Knot
    • Ring exchange within a Handfasting- presenting
    • More…
    • “Tying the Knot” something different.

    BONUS: Post course 1-1   Personal 40 minute ZOOM call when questions can be asked. A call worth £50


    • You will gain confidence to carry out the tying of Hands.
    • You will gain a greater understanding of how to prepare a handtying.
    • You will gain the skills and techniques required to create a variety of Handfasting’s.
    • You will gain knowledge of associated Handfasting rituals.
    • You will gain knowledge of the various positions a couples may stand.
    • You will gain knowledge of how a couple can hold hands.
    • You will gain added skills to market yourself as a Handfasting Celebrant.




    Email: glendaprocter@hotmail.com

    Celtic Handfasting of Bride and Kilted Groom under a wedding canopy as part of Wedding performed by Glenda Procter

    Hello everyone, I am so pleased that you may be interested in attending one or all of my planned Handfasting Workshops. This is a wonderful opportunity to discover more about all aspects of Handfasting and build confidence practicing in a participation-based learning environment with me Glenda Procter; the ‘Queen of Handfasting’, a name bestowed not claimed!

    No matter your ceremony style, if you are a celebrant keen to further enrich your offerings these workshops will provide you with knowledge, experience and the associated rituals. The workshops are for all levels of experience, from novice to experienced. All are welcome, irrespective of celebrant association or affiliation.

    Each workshop will run independently, however attending the first is strongly advised, and my aim is to make them all practical and highly interactive. Completion of the workshops will enable you to confidently give authentic and modern ceremonies as part of your celebrant offering. You will also have the opportunity to take home ceremony script templates applicable to each workshop ritual, equipping you to begin advising couples immediately.


    I have created three incremental ritual workshops; each one targets a different area of Handfasting and will build on the one before:

    Each workshop will extend the knowledge and skills learnt from the previous workshop and take you onto a path of full rituals, if this is your desire.

    WORKSHOP 1. Handfasting Foundations ‘Tying the Knot’ and Oath stone Ceremony

    Focusing on the foundations, this is where your Handfasting journey begins. The workshop will show you practical ways of including and conducting a Handfasting (handtying) in a regular ceremony and will equip you to confidently give advice to couples and carry out the ritual.

    Key areas covered include:

    • The foundations of Handfasting
    • ‘Tying the Knot’
    • learning plaiting techniques
    • Creation of the perfect ceremony
    • Understanding of colours, textures and the variety of Handfasting elements
    • Oath Stone Ceremony

    This workshop is ideal for all celebrants wanting to offer this popular ritual to modern couples. It would also be suitable for funeral celebrants seeking further ritual ideas to offer to families.

    You will leave with a full understanding of the origins of this ancient ritual and have confidence in its delivery.

    WORKSHOP 2. Handfasting with Rituals

    Building on the foundations from workshop one, more advanced Handfasting techniques will be discussed, demonstrated and practised. This workshop offers more detailed information about the various types of Handfasting techniques, and other rituals.

    Key areas covered include:

    • Advanced Handfasting techniques
    • Ring exchange within a Handfasting
    • The Toast – Loving Cup.
    • Cake and Ale Ceremony 
    • Jumping the broom

    The rituals in this workshop are suitable for inclusion in many interpretations sought by modern couples, who may be seeking old style rituals within their celebration.

    You will leave with a broad understanding of the wide array of styles and variations of ritual in Handfasting and will be equipped to adapt and deliver these to suit more bespoke ceremonies.

    WORKSHOP 3. Handfasting with Symbolism and Spirituality

    The final workshop is designed for celebrants with a level of SPIRITUALITY, bringing together all the knowledge learnt in the previous two workshops and take it to the next level.

    Key areas covered include:

    • Working in outdoor spaces and Stone Circles
    • How to create, cleanse and hold a spiritual space
    • How to honour your own spiritual beliefs and those of your couple
    • Understanding and using the Four Elements
    • Understanding the Cardinal Points
    • Creating a sacred space within a ceremonial circle and creating an altar
    • What to wear and how to conduct yourself

    The day will end creating and conducting a complete spiritual Handfasting, paying tribute to earth, air, water and fire. As celebrants, we will look at creating 2020 interpretations of ancient rituals whilst still honouring our ancestors.

    You will leave this workshop with a greater understanding and sensitivity to the forces of nature and your spirituality closely aligned to Handfasting.


    • 10:30am-5pm training with Glenda Procter
    • A maximum of 10 participants
    • Script templates applicable to each workshop
    • Delicious home-made lunch, biscuits and unlimited tea / coffee
    • Free secure parking at the private venue.
    • Opportunities for role play 
    • Practise of learnt rituals
    • Support and feedback
    • Support props
    • Summary notes
    • A few surprises!

    Everyone will leave with new learning techniques and the ability to put them into practise.

    Medieval handfasting part of woodland wedding ceremony performed by Glenda Procter
    Couple wearing flower crowns at festival after handfasting commitment ceremony performed by Glenda Procter

    What you will gain from these WORKSHOPS

    • You will gain confidence to carry out ‘Handtyings’ or full or part Handfasting rituals and ceremonies.
    • You will be given all the skill and techniques required to create a variety of Handfastings.
    • You will take away sample scripts and the ideas for modifying for use.
    • You will gain added skills to market yourself as a ‘Handtying’ or Handfasting Celebrant adding to your business marketing.


    The cost of ALL the workshops is less than the single fee Glenda charges for conducting just one Handfasting Ceremony!

     Cost: Each WORKSHOP will be all-inclusive.

    A booking fee of £150 will secure your place, on each Workshop.

    Each workshop will be £350, but booking all three offers a discount!

    • 1x Workshop £350
    • 2x Workshops £600 £100 saving
    • 3x Workshops £ 850* £200 saving

    *Workshop 3. This day represents extremely good value for money for the volume of content to be covered, as it is a full-on day of learning, practise and activity. Much will be ‘performed’ outdoors, weather permitting. There is a great deal of information and practical work to get through.

    Venue: A private venue has been chosen in Gloucestershire. Gl17 

    Full location details to be confirmed on registration, for privacy reasons. Ideas for local accommodation will also be available. 


    Sign up now to avoid disappointment

    If you are interested in attending one or more of these workshops, please register your interest as soon as possible and a place for you will be reserved for you.

    Contact: Glenda Procter on 01594 781 591 or 07789 682 743 (mobile not always reliable due to signal at home)

    Or email on glendaprocter@hotmail.com

    Glenda would welcome a telephone contact from you with any questions you may have.

    Logo of Independent Celebrant Retreats - indicating Glenda Procter was an Expert Contributor at the 2019 Retreat
    Logo of Celebranttopia indicating Glenda Procter was a Masterclass Elite Speaker in 2019


    Glenda is described by celebrant colleagues as The Queen of Handfasting; a name bestowed, not self-acclaimed! There is not much Glenda does not know about conducting Handfasting in her role as a celebrant. She is now recognised throughout the celebrant profession for Handfasting, and her techniques and reputation have offered her invitations to some of the biggest festivals in the UK to perform Handfasting ceremonies year after year.

    Glenda is not new to the skills of delivering Handfasting or indeed the skills of coaching, training, teaching and or tutoring. Her experiences of both would form a very impressive CV.

    • Most recently Glenda was awarded a HIGHLY COMMENDED award in the South East regional finals of the TWIA awards. This recognised her contribution to Handfasting in Celebrancy.
    • She was guest speaker talking about HANDFASTING on the very first virtual summit for celebrants. CELEBRANTTOPIA as a MASTERCLASS ELITE SPEAKER
    • She attended the Independent Celebrant Retreat 2019 and shared her skills as an EXPERT CONTRIBUTOR demonstrating and leading practical’
    • Glenda has been celebrating love since 2006. First as a marriage registrar in southern England and then as an independent celebrant. She had independently ripped up the rue book and has created 21st Century interpretations of ancient ritual for modern day couples.
    • Glenda has trained and tutored over 100 celebrants (for a celebrant training organisation) between 2014-2019.
    • She is now free to do what she loves to do, in a way that suits her personality and teaching style. She loves sharing her knowledge in practical ways. In these workshops, she will give freely and openly, all her acquired skills and so much more.
    • Glenda has dedicated years to understanding the true art of Handfasting and has seamlessly intertwined her spirituality into the rituals she performs.
    • These Handfasting workshops are a culmination of her many experiences.
    • Glenda is also a practising member of KIHA (Kent International Healers Association and a registered tutor. Her spiritual interests have been with her since her teenage years.
    • Over recent years her spirituality has merged with her celebrancy work, creating her specialised niche in Handfastings.
    • Glenda does not give herself a title of priestess or goddess!
    • Glenda has successfully created a unique niche for herself at two of England’s biggest Festivals.



    Glenda has been celebrating love since 2006. She gained her early experiences as a marriage registrar in the South of England, before retiring and becoming an independent celebrant. Her vast experience, both in understanding marriage and being a teacher, coach and tutor of other subjects, led her to become the Wedding Training for a leading Celebrant association. Having trained over 100 delegates in “Celebrancy in the UK” an NOCN accreditation level 3 qualification, she retired in early 2019. Handfasting was covered in a short 45 minute section of the training, leaving many delegates hungry for more knowledge.


    She is a loved and respected celebrant with hundreds of ceremonies under her belt. As an award winning celebrant, she is much sought after for Handfasting Ceremonies and ritual.

    You will not be disappointed when attending one of Glenda’s workshops.



    Glenda is a highly experienced celebrant who has developed her skills over the past 20 years, and has earned an exceptional reputation globally as one of the leading experts in Handfasting.

    Her regular attendance at two of the major UK music festivals, along with the sheer volume of ceremonies she has conducted, has quite rightly earned her the affectionate title ‘Queen of Handfastings’.

    Last November Glenda attended one of our retreats and generously shared her knowledge and skills with both enthusiasm and great skill. Attendees were so enthralled by her input that we now have a Handfasting Retreat planned for April 2020 and we’re delighted that Glenda will be the leading expert contributor. We’re fully booked with a group of excited celebrants who can’t wait to learn from the great lady herself!

    Charlotte Simpson says...

    Glenda is a force of nature! She was my teacher when I did my own training to become a celebrant and she’s been incredibly helpful and supportive to me ever since. She knows so much about ceremonies – especially spiritual rituals such as Handfastings – and she is absolutely sincere in everything that she does; if you book Glenda for your wedding, her amazing intuition and vast experience will come together to create a moment that you’ll never forget: personal, profound, spiritual and just what you wanted. Glenda is one of the loveliest people I know and I couldn’t recommend her more highly. X

    Shelley JAckson-Woodall says...

    I have had the pleasure of learning so much from Glenda on a recent Independent Celebrant Retreat that I attended. She knows her stuff! She has so much knowledge on every aspect of Handfasting and other unity ceremonies.

    Her passion and enthusiasm is infectious and she is willing to share this with others. Thank you, Glenda aka The Queen of Hand Fasting, for the opportunity to learn from you

    DULCIE JAMES says...

    I first met Glenda at the Coughton Lodge Retreat for celebrants and was blown away by her wisdom and expertise on Handfastings, and other wedding rituals, including jumping over the broom! Glenda is generous with her knowledge and I learned a huge amount from her, she gave us the time we needed. She Is amazing and has years of experience and it is said that she is the ‘Queen of Handfasting’, and she is that, and so much more. She is wise and approachable!

    Anyone who is trained by her will have unique skills that set them aside and will then have the ability to create very special enhanced ceremonies! Thank you so much

    SARA GARG says...

    Glenda “The Queen of Handfasting” amongst other spiritual rituals! She is a wealth of warmth, knowledge, fun and love. As a fellow Celebrant, I met Glenda on the Celebrant Retreat and you can’t help but gravitate to that beaming smile – Glenda simply glows! Xx

    Bride and Groom literally tying the knot with coloured ribbons as part of their beach wedding  performed by Glenda Procter